Friday, July 27, 2012

Monday, July 16, 2012

Always have a plan B........

If you are awake to the ever changing geopolitical climate and have considered looking into other options for the future please read on.  I am not running a business, on the contrary it seems the time has come for people to start helping one another if we plan to maintain some form of liberty.  My plan is to help like minded people explore the options they may have, most do not have any.

Picking up and moving your entire life, especially with a family, is not an easy decision to make.  Very few people have the financial means and the work skills to do so.  For those who can consider this type of move I would like to be of help.  I am not looking to do more work, what I enjoy is lending a helping hand in the information department.

I have several spaces to rent by the month for people seriously looking for a base to scout from.  I can point you in the right direction as far as paperwork and legal matters.  The most important thing to me is that you are a freedom lover, aware of what is happening in the world today.

Enough said.  Contact me with your questions and I will let you know if I can help.
